About This Blog

"And the sky is full of dreams, but you're afraid to fly" - Brandon Flowers, Crossfire
      I am a firm believer that blanket statements are among the most dangerous things on the planet. No two humans, to my knowledge, have felt the exact same way about the exact same situation. Unfortunately, young adults and teens tend to be lumped into a category of a clotted mass of hormones and mistakes, tired and grouchy we are often relegated to mediocrity. I don't like that.
  1. 1.
    something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
     The purpose of this blog? I, as a fellow young person and failure in almost every imaginable area of life, seek to live in a way worthy of the Calling. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power (2 Timothy 1:7). If you take a good long think about the human race, we are in an extremely unique position - even more so as Christians, children of the Divine King.  Settling for the YOLO, sex, drugs, partying, "I hate my life", and the coarse disposition handed to us on a silver platter as soon as puberty hits is the very stereotype in which we exist. It is also the one that I pray can be changed. Living in debauchery and fear is not truly living under God's intended purposes. This blog is a challenge, an invitation, a club of sorts.
     1. I Challenge you to be an Anomaly. We aren't perfect, we never will be, but in a world where it's accepted, even expected for young people to look in the mirror, or at friends, or their grades and loathe the human they have been created to be is not where I want to be. To be an anomaly is to challenge these beliefs, to work towards change together throughout the tiring process. To realize we have a higher goal (heaven) and to set our sights on things about. To be an anomaly is to recognize our countless shortcomings and surrender them to the Lord, and walk in the light of His Word - or at least make a valiant effort.

    2. I Invite you to a deal. Okay, so here's the deal. We're going to fail everyday. We're going to get to points so low that we don't know what to do with ourselves, but in my experience and in the experience of people I love and trust, these short comings are blessings in disguise. Everything is part of God's plan, even our drastic screw-ups. I invite you to reassess. You are never too far in to come out. A new perspective is much needed and a little seedling of desire is where it all starts. Actually, it's misleading to claim that I am extending this glorious invitation. It's God. God is your new perspective. It's the best perspective ever. 

      3. A club of misfits. Being an outcast from the rest of the world is not easy, by any means. The Christian walk is not easy. All of us will experience or have experienced neglect and exclusion, but together we can be the dirty sock pile, the leftovers of society who cling onto this "ridiculous" hope that Jesus is coming to save us all. God's love is stronger than anything else in this world, being part of that "club" or that "family" is a lifelong membership that costs nothing to us. The more I type this out the more I realize that I am not writing this blog for me, I'm writing it for God to use these words to connect with others. Even if it's just one other person. Welcome to the club

1 comment:

  1. *Smiles* I love your first point especially, Tatijana. You're right, we should strive to be Anomalies in this broken world - we are in this world, but not of it, to shine the light of Christ to those around us. The words I use to sum that idea are 'Zeal Aspiring' - striving to live life full of zeal for God in everything I do. :)

    May God bless you as you seek to follow after Him.

    ~Ophelia - Marie
